The Alumni Executive has recently seen some significant changes.
Lyse Lavictoire, who joined the Executive as Secretary in the summer of 2022, has left to pursue and enjoy other interests and activities. During her tenure, Lyse made many valuable contributions to the work of the Association, including preparing the agenda and minutes for our meetings, managing the master mailing list, and managing and monitoring the Alumni’s Google account. Thank you for all of your excellent work, Lyse!
Joining the Executive, we have four new members.
Bill Carman, Webmaster and Bulletin Editor
Bill joined IDRC in the summer of 1986. During his IDRC career, he served as the Managing Editor of IDRC Books and, later, as Publisher, where he coordinated the Centre’s co-publishing and e-book program. Bill also served as the President of the IDRC Staff Association for a number of years. In 2012, Bill moved on to work for the Canadian Museum of History and the Canadian War Museum. He retired in 2017.
Arun Abraham, Member-at-Large
During his time at IDRC, Arun held many positions, From 1986 to 1989, he was a Research Assistant in the Office of Vice-President, Program. In 1990, he was a Research Officer in the Earth and Engineering Sciences Division, In 1991, he was Senior Research Coordinator in the Communications Division, And, from 1992 to1998, he was a Senior Regional Program Officer in the Singapore office, focusing on innovation systems management, commercialization of research, and small and medium enterprise development. Arun currently works for the Asian Development Bank.
Antoine Terjanian, Member-at-Large
Antoine’s wife, Sheila, was one of IDRC’s first professional employees back in 1970. Antoine’s association with the Centre began in 1980, as a consultant. From 1982 to 1989, he was stationed at the Cairo office, working as a Program Officer in the Information Sciences Division. In 1989, he was transferred to the Dakar office, where he remained until 1991. Antoine and Sheila now spend almost 6 months of the year in Armenia, working with the Armenian Volunteer Corps to help with the development of the country.
David Nostbakken, Member-at-Large
From 1986 to 1993, David was Director of IDRC’s Communications Division. From 1993 to 1997, he headed up an international secretariat to establish a broadcast and internet service for development. This secretariat created the WETV Foundation and WETV International, which became independent in 1997. David is currently President and CEO of the McLuhan Foundation.
Bulletin 72
April 2024